Saturday, January 10, 2009

when the fog lifts from Burma and the world is finally able to see inside, if we'll ever see that day, they will be horrified not only of the atrocities that have occured, but by the fact that they didn't know, that while other stories filled the headlines, Burma was no where to be found. When foreign journalists are finally allowed free access to the myriad ethnicities - which ever ones survive the genocide -and bring back the stories of this forgotten country, the world will be disgusted to hear that the Burmese doctors didn't differentiation between HIV and AIDs and that when a person was diagnosed as having it, they were administered an injection and that life was over. 
But for now, the fog remains, and the injections continue. 


atmosphrericks said...

damnb... its epic oppression... the kind that even if you imagine, can make you queeze.

where is the rest of the political world? shouldn't they come by for a visit and a disapproving media statement?

tzschot said...

i don't know why it's so silent,i didn't really know about it till just before coming here. I only knew of its dictatorship when we'd wanted to travel through to india 2 years ago. Even when cyclone nargis killed so many in 2007 and the government didn't allow foreign aid in, the story seemed to last only a short time. there are burmese who see world news and are asking "what about us? what's all this obama stuff, it's not even a story yet, it's a prestory." (paraphrased). I think its just been in a dark hole for so long.