Wednesday, October 22, 2008

a curious incident 2

oh and a funny incident. Danielle met her friend at a cafe at university and while they were talking a stranger came up and was like "oh, a baby! I love babies" and she held abacus and stuff. But then, a couple of days ago, danielle was metting the same friend, at a different cafe, all the way accross the other side of town, and they were just returning to the car and putting abacus in and she must have mentioned abacus' name because the same lady from the other cafe appeared and was like "Did I hear someone say Abacus?" hehe

it's not the only time either that abacus has overshadowed us, we went to t he same restaurant two fridays in a row and i paid the same waitress, but it wasn't until she saw abacus that she recognised us, "she saw her in her pushchair and was like "I remember you" and then recognised us. 

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