Tuesday, May 6, 2008

abacus 06.05.2008

Abacus was born this afternoon at 13:55 by c section and weighs 1506g (3pounds and a third).

The operation went really well and was actually quite fun (danielle s the one who used the word fun) We forgot to bring a CD to play, so Willow our midwife went and got some from her car, so it was not unlike a party. Danielle went to nursing school with one of the nurses, so it was good to have a familiar face on the medical team, who were really nice, fun and funny and hella fast. The anesthetizing took the longest, getting it centered, it would send electric shocks down one leg or the other until it was centered, and then it just felt warm "like I'm peeing myself" danielle described it as. As soon as the anesthetic was done the operation started, and yes it did feel like someone was washing dishes in her. Before long we heard the draining of the water and wee abacus was out and crying a pterodactyl squawk , it was all over so fast. Danielle was asked if she wanted to keep the placenta, she replied that she'd like to throw it against the wall for all the nausea it caused, I guess that's a no then, said one of the midwives. (They also removed the infamous elusive cyst.)

Abacus was taken to a small table and wrapped in a towel and they assessed her condition which was deemed awesome. So they put her in an incubator before pausing at danielles side for a quick drive-by greeting and then I followed her along up to the neonates ward, where she was transfered to her little plastic box and hooked up to machines and fluids. And all of this didn't seem out of the ordinary at all. I spent some time with her, her breathing was going well and the estimated she would only need it for about 4 hours, which turned out to be true. The feeding tube had a part that fell on her mouth and she started sucking on it, which was cute. Everything was good with her, she was just teeny, about half the size of a small baby, but she didn't really seem that small somehow. All she wanted to do was sleep. She looked so cute and her toes looked like they were made out of clay.

Meanwhile . . .
Danielle was recovering upstairs with Laura, getting feeling back in her toes and expressing milk (eerily she'd started lactating the night before). She was really happy and calm about everything that had just happened and still dreaming of a huge feed.

I took Laura and Mum down to see abacus and we spent an hour with her (only 2 at a time are allowed) by the time we'd finished ogling and prodding her ethereal skin (laura said she felt like a raspberry and mum said it was like touching nothing and i concur on both points) danielle was already back on the ward. The numbness of drugs was beginning to recede and the pain was seeping in. She managed to sleep through it, and managed a bit of jelly to eat. At about 8:30 she was able to go down in a wheelchair to spend time with abacus for the first time.

It's been a really good day. Realy, really good. Everything couldn't have gone better, even though the surgery was pushed back a few hours due to an emergency twin delivery (we knew the parents and we just hope their girls are doing well). We got a lot of womans weeklies analyzed in that time, and i disgusted myself in almost finishing a crossword about tv shows. I was nervous before hand, the same kinds of nerves as I would have before a concert or a job interview, I just get nervous at the anticipation of an event, but as soon as things got going all the nerves went away, and everything felt as though it was just meant to be. My lack of sleep may have helped by lending surreality to everything, what office worker ever imagines themselves wearing scrubs in an operating room, listening to electronica? Did that sound like Doogie Howser or Sex In The City ? I hope so.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations breeders!

We'd both love to visit when you'll have us. Tell us a time and we'll be there. I'm very impressed, and wowed, and in awe of you both, and slightly jealous.

You're both amazing. All.

Love Gavin.

Rosie's in complete agreement and sends her love too.

Anonymous said...

In other news... thanks to Abacus for emerging the day AFTER my birthday, so I don't have to share. See you when I return from Wangas next week. Love to you both. And Abacus.

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